

The massage and bodywork modalities offered at 3D Vitality Sports and Therapeutic Massage provide optimal conditioning for those in competitive sports and therapeutic restoration for those in pain or recovering from injury. It is a place to heal from the discomfort of tension and stress or to gain restoration in a peaceful environment.

Our therapist has broad hands-on experience working with athletics, including professional athletics. Her clients include baseball, football and basketball players, cyclists, martial artists, skiers, golfers, competitive bodybuilders, gym enthusiasts, dancers, artists, tennis players and more.

She also brings the therapeutic benefit of massage and bodywork to those who spend long hours each day at computers or on their feet, are frequent travelers, mothers and fathers, and college students home to rest.

Since massage calms the sympathetic nervous system, massage treatments here bring tremendous relief to those who are suffering the anxiety of a terminal illness, men and women in addiction recovery and people of all ages dealing with anxiety and depression.

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